November 2 marked the first day of snow this season. It also marked an outdoor adventure day for a
group of grade 10s from PenHigh and the grade 1/2s from Queen’s Park
Elementary. The two groups were brought
together to share in a special field experience at Skaha Bluffs Provincial
Park. Despite the chilly temperatures
and unfamiliar surroundings the kids were fast friends as they stepped into the
wilderness together.
Prior to the trip the grade 10s had recently completed a Wildlife
Monitoring project based in the park. The
project focused on wildlife specific to the Bluffs and culminated with
student-led data collection using motion-sensor cameras. The scaffolding lessons leading up to the
project were designed to connect the students to our community and the local
landscape. Some of the activities
included meeting with a conservation biologist, researching local
wildlife-conflicts and learning how the Penticton Indian Band is helping to
restore the bighorn sheep population.
Needless to say the grade 10s had a lot of experience and knowledge to
share, even though they might not have realized it.
For the grade 2s this outdoor experience would be the first
of a series of field trips aimed at connecting students to the local
environment. The classroom content
(adaptations, cycles and communities) they had been working on translated to a
strong foundation of understanding and good preparation for our outdoor
The morning together was full of partnered activities that
engaged the senses and promoted exploratory play. From a teacher perspective the most powerful
piece of this partnership was the leadership opportunity it provided to the
grade 10s. Not only did they orchestrate
the set up the motion-sensor cameras (which is more complex and strategic than
one might think) but they also got to role model behaviour that respected and
honoured the wildlife within the park.
The enthusiastic and energetic grade 2s were the perfect audience (and
partners) for the older students. Their
natural curiosity, wonder and desire to explore was infectious and energizing
for the grade 10s. More importantly, the
grade 2s were unencumbered by cell phones which left them free to enjoy the
experience, a shocking and novel concept to the grade 10s.
The unintentional role modelling demonstrated by both groups
during this outdoor experience was powerful and only a small part of the
transformative work that can happen when we let the land be our teacher. Thank you to HCTF Go Grants, the Vancouver Foundation who supports this work, and
all of the students who allow experiential outdoor programming to happen.
Blog post thanks to Allison Dietrich and her work with Nicola Korvin
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