Wednesday 19 February 2014

Professional Learning - Making Connections

I have recently become a “twitterer”… and I am amazed at how that one  small step has opened up a new world to me.  I pick up my ipad when I  am too tired to do anything else, and the next thing I know I am  skimming articles about innovation, assessment for learning,  creativity, inclusion, belonging … or I am seeing pictures of classrooms trying something new, or reading quotes.  It is great professional learning for me, and I am sometimes amazed at how interesting it is just to reflect and think and make connections to all of the work I am involved in.

Through a Different Lens is a project about innovation, creativity, relationships, and reflection on our own practice.  It is about our growth as educators and the growth of our students.  The project itself is school based, but many things happening in the district and in the province are connected so closely with the work that we are doing.

In the next two weeks alone we have some great opportunities for all staff in the district that teachers in TADL might like to take advantage of as they are all part of innovation, creativity, relationships and reflection.

Edcamp Penticton:  our very first edcamp Thursday, Feb. 20, 3:30-6:00 at Pen High, where anyone interested will meet for a few hours and share / facilitate sessions on current thinking:  assessment, behaviour, creativity, increasing dialogue . . . It will be a very worthwhile time in terms of content, but also interesting for educators to be exposed to a different way of sharing knowledge than the usual workshop format.  Come ready to participate.  (register and if it’s already Thursday try just coming!)

Aboriginal book and video gathering, the 3rd session for this year:  We will be meeting to watch a NFB film called "we were children" - a Canadian film on residential schools, at the Maggie library on Tuesday, March 4, from 3:30-5:30.  The book club connects so closely with TADL and our work in school completion.  Our book club is exposing all of us to First Nations culture and issues through literature and film.  It is giving the adults in the district a safe place to talk and learn so that we in turn can work with our students.  (register or or

If you are looking for professional development on innovation, creativity, inclusion, belonging, creating cultures where everyone belongs - please join us at one or both of these events.

Post courtesy of Judith King


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I agree Judith, these are great opportunities to learn, share and try new ideas.
