Through A Different Lens is a teacher led project sponsored by the Vancouver Foundation. This project involves teachers from K-12 who are focusing on alternative methods of instruction and assessment to help all students succeed.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Fed-Ex Day
The other day I booked the library and adjoining computer lab for the classes I teach. I borrowed the idea from a TED talks video I watched - Daniel Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation. His talk is quite interesting in that it identifies the skill set workers (our students) will need for the future and tied it into a couple of progressive companies who offer their workers time... time to focus on anything they want with the catch being they have to deliver something the next day. He referenced Google - who offer 20% of their workers time - and from that time google docs, google news and chrome were created.
Students could investigate any topic they wanted but had to present to either the whole class, small groups, or an adult. I was curious to see how 14/15 year-olds would spend their time. It was fascinating to see those who were extremely engaged basically disappear into the rabbit hole as they researched a passion or curiosity of theirs. It was just as fascinating watching others flounder with the freedom and time. Without direction from me they struggled.
Here are a list of topics they explored (they are as diverse as the students in each class) - card tricks, sleep efficiency, why Africa is poor, planning a surf trip to south Africa, Matisse, origami, Esperanto Language, unicycles, 3D animation, car engines, Anna Pavlova, ski resort trips, corruption in politics, buying an island, black holes, cities in England to visit...
1. As expected students learned in very different ways (they were not told how to learn or how to record their evidence). Most mixed the visual (video) with the written. It reaffirms the need to provide both the visual and text during instruction. The inclusion of video is vital to today's learner.
2. I surveyed students afterwards and an overwhelming majority loved the freedom to investigate anything they wanted. I don't think we provide enough freedom for students in our class. The challenge is to create a structure or framework of outcomes and then to broaden the means in which they not only investigate the information but recall it and provide evidence of learning.
3. The presentation of their learning proved to be the biggest challenge. Moving forward I need to have clearer expectations in how this will function. I suspect they have not had these type of coffee talk interactions at school. This is a significant skill (not only in school but outside of it as well) - to be able to not only articulate your ideas to peers but to be an engaged / active listener.
Moving forward I plan to implement three or four of these a semester. In our PLOs there are expectations such as: "critical thinking skills, including - questioning, summarizing, drawing conclusions, defending a position" and as well students are to "demonstrate effective research skills, including - accessing and assessing information, collecting and evaluating data..." Students asked if this lesson was "allowed". I believe I can justify this day by applying the Skills and Processes piece from the Learning Outcomes... I want to develop the means to collect the data and use it as inspiration for moving forward.
Students' days are so structured, they seem similar to an assembly line of a factory. Life and most of their occupations will not resemble many of their school experiences. There are few manuals for the challenges that lay ahead of them. Perhaps little moments like these will spark a curiosity, expose them to how they learn, or what they like. Regardless this was a valuable experience and I plan to continue to develop it.
Post courtesy of Russ Reid
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
The Best Learning Is Difficult To Define
Guest Post by Myron Dueck (The original post can be found here)
Our district has a program running
within it called Through a Different Lens (TADL). As best
as I can tell, it is a whole bunch of things that serve to personalize
learning, without being one thing in particular.
Even people in the project seem
purposefully vague when it comes to attaching labels to it. Here is what
I mean: A teacher in the project recently posted the results of a cool Math
project. Students were asked to go out of the class, in groups of four, and
take pictures of fractions around the school property. After deciding
that some ‘real world’ scene warranted the classification of a ratio of some
kind, the group of students interpreted the mathematical context of the photo
using a sentence. Simple. Innovative. Engaging. When I commented to one
of the TADL project leaders that it looked a lot like Differentiated
Instruction, I was met with, ‘Sure, I guess so,’ followed by a shrug.
The reaction was fitting, as there
are many ways to classify something that makes learning fun and engaging:
If the students shared it, call it collaboration.
If they receive feedback during the
learning process, call it formative assessment.
If they review each others photos,
I guess it is peer assessment.
“And it is their own thing!” Personalized
…therein lies the point.
Once in a while you come across a
phenomenon that is many good things wrapped up in one, and with that, the very
people running it are reluctant to hitch it to one popular term. It
reminded me of a great restaurant I visited in Austin last year. After
eating an incredible meal, I asked the server what he considered to be the
establishment’s specialty. The server responded, “food”.
The Through
a Different Lens Project is changing lives and you can read more
about it at their blog.
Good teaching is creative,
education needs to be centered on relationships, authentic learning is
formative in its processes, and be default all of this is personal. What
so many people struggle with is how to assess something that is creative and
personal according to learning outcomes that are seemingly both standardized
and rigid.
I have shared a rather simple
assignment template (see example below) with a lot of educators and it allows
students to not only be creative, but to also purposefully plan out the medium
of their choice and to explain specifically how they plan to tackle the
learning objectives. Using this template, the teacher can assess a project
that is novel in its approach, but linked to learning outcomes that are
well-established. The example below incorporates a template that is preloaded
with the existing learning outcomes so that there is no guessing as to what the
learning objectives are. Secondly, the learning path begins with clear
objectives so that the chances that a great project may go sideways are
certainly reduced. This eliminates the conundrum, ‘But it looks so good,
it must be good.” Lastly, and most importantly, the student is in control of
defining what will be investigated and the manner in which it will occur.
Assessing this Holocaust project was really easy for me, as the student’s
‘assessment map’ was presented with the project. I must say that the idea
behind this template is much like the TADL project: a result of collaboration
with Naryn Searcy.
Thursday, 17 January 2013
25 Year Reunion- Psychology 12
In my developmental Psych unit, I decided to try something different for teaching the Middle Adulthood section. I had students complete a timeline exercise (to realistically predict their future), then had them find age 43 on their timelines. They had to calculate the ages of their children, determine where they were living, their careers at the time, etc. when they would be 43 years old. For our next assignment, they had to bring themselves to life at age 43 at our "25 Year High School Reunion". We had food, and music, and they had to dress and play the part of themselves at age 43 while mingling with their classmates (25 years later). The entire class participated fully and had a lot of fun playing their part in the assignment. This interactive assignment was a great way for all of my students to learn about life in middle adulthood while having fun at the same time!
Post courtesy of Dana Kocsis
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Picture This! (Math 8)
As an introduction and review to our Grade 8 fraction unit, I thought that I would try to get the students to see the fractions all around them. They had to work in groups of four to go around the school grounds and take photos of six different fractions. The photos needed to show a visual of a fraction that could be reduced. The students then loaded their photo onto the computer and wrote a "fraction sentence" describing the photo.
The students' fraction sentence for the photo above is:
"Two sixths swings are being used. This can be reduced, or another perspective is that one third of the sections of swings is being used."
This was a very quick and easy intro and reminder to the grade 8's about what a fraction is and how to reduce a fraction. We spent the following day look at everyone's photos and then they had to guess what the fraction sentence was. This was met with lots of giggles and laughter in class (which is always great to see in Math), but it was wonderful to see how many different fraction sentences students came up with, and the different perspectives you could take on one photo.
What is your fraction sentence for this photo?
This post is courtesy of Shona Becker.
Friday, 11 January 2013
Social Thinking Taught Through Visual Pictures-Grade 5
For the past few years, I
have started the year teaching my class (and other classes throughout the
school) about the concept of Social Thinking. Social Thinking is
basically teaching kids how to be metacognitive about their social behaviour.
It is getting kids to be thinking about their behaviours in various social
situations and realizing that others are having thoughts about their behaviours
too. This concept of Social Thinking was brought to my attention a few years
ago when I attended the Cross Currents Special Education Conference. The
keynote speaker was a woman named Michelle Garcia Winner who was toting the
merits of using Social Thinking with special needs students. As Michelle
explained the core foundations of Social Thinking I immediately thought that
this concept would work just as well with my current grade five class. I also
considered the broader implications of applying these concepts to a whole
school setting and felt that the suggested common language used within Social
Thinking would be a powerful tool both class and school-wide. Michelle has
written a series of books that help explain the concept of Social Thinking in
picture book formats. "You Can Be A Social Detective" is the
book that I use to introduce the concept and language of Social Thinking. What
appealed to me most when hearing about this concept was the language of "expected"
and "unexpected" behaviours. Kids are taught that there is
always a set of "expected" behaviours for any social situation. When
you do what is "expected"people have good thoughts and feelings about
us. When we do the "unexpected"people often have uncomfortable
thoughts and feelings about us. What stuck with me about this language is that
is not "value" based. We are not judging kids regarding their
behaviour and deeming it appropriate or inappropriate. Any given
behaviour is either "expected" (following social norms) for that
social situation or it is "unexpected".
The first year I worked
with this concept, I read the book to the kids and then had them work in groups
to brainstorm various social situations they find themselves part of within a
school day. This is traditionally called "Behaviour Mapping".
Kids came up with social situations such as walking down the hallway, standing
in line, using the bathroom, etc. We created a series of anchor charts listing
the "expected" and "unexpected" behaviours for each social
situation and how others would feel as a result. I then posted these anchor
charts and referred to them often in order to pre-teach and remind
students about "expected" behaviours before engaging in
different social situations. This activity also gave our class common
language to use on a daily basis thereafter. It proved to be very powerful
and effective. It allowed me to respond to both expected and unexpected
behaviours in a non-emotional way putting the onus back on the kids to
make the correct behaviour choice for each social situation. I was just someone
who was pointing out whether their choices were expected or unexpected. I
believe it allowed them to become more metacognitive and gave them the power to
reflect on their behaviour and see how others were responding to them as a
This year I challenged
the class to come up with a way that they, in turn, could teach other
students in the school about this concept. They liked the idea of visually
representing both the "expected" and "unexpected"
behaviours using a camera. I divided the class into small groups and then they
were given the task of coming up with a social situation and be ready to act it
out for the camera. What a ball they had! They loved the idea of acting out the
"unexpected" behaviours. It was a great conversation starter for
other classes who were watching this all transpire. One of our regular bus
drivers even got in on the action and suggested that a group come on to his bus
and display both "expected" and "unexpected" bus riding
behaviours. Our school principal was supportive of this leadership action the
kids were taking and bought the original teaching book for each classroom so
that other teachers could teach the social thinking concept to their classes.
He suggested that the whole school begin using this common language and he now
uses it regularly at school assemblies and other occasions. Our support staff
have also begun using this language as well during supervision times. It has
been interesting to see how much power that common language can have on a class
and school-wide basis if all stakeholders "buy in" to the idea.
Having given the reigns over to the kids to promote Social Thinking
within the school made all the difference in helping this very worthwhile
concept take root and grow.
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"Expected" playground behaviour |
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"Unexpected" playground behaviour |
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"Expected" drinking fountain behaviour |
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"Unexpected" drinking fountain behaviour |
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"Unexpected" bus riding behaviour |
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"Expected" bus riding behaviour |
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
All the Tea In China -Comparative Civilizations 12
After lessons on Chinese
culture and history, including the Qin, Han, and Tang Dynasties we muddied our
hands today in clay, creating tea cups that we will use in a tea ceremony later
this month.
The first step was for
students to use their smartphones and search an appropriate Chinese character
they will engrave and glaze onto the cup.
The next step was to start
making our pinch pot tea cups. Frustrating for some, easier for others, but
seemed to be fun for all.
Tomorrow we will continue shaping
and carving into the cups then let them dry to prepare for firing in the kiln.
Post Courtesy of Lesley Lacroix
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Reflections on What's Working (Junior French)
teaching practices ("traditional" and "non-traditional") I
have found to be effective this year:
Relationship building: I haven't followed the 2 x 10 strategy as much this year, but I
make sure I check in with students every class. Students often show up early or
stay after class so this provides me an opportunity to get to know the students
and I try to spend some time talking with (not necessarily helping) quiet
students or struggling students throughout the class.
Daily Quiz
to start class. The quiz focuses students and provides students with an
opportunity to review previous learning.
Choice on
projects: By allowing students to choose what types of projects they do (and
how they are marked to a certain extent) I am hoping that it increases
engagement in the assignment and builds academic confidence by allowing
students choose projects that cater to their strengths and interests.
Tests and
Re-tests: Offering re-tests and splitting my tests into sections so students
can choose which sections to re-do eases student anxiety and allows students to
re-learn sections that they may not have understood the first time.
Reflections: I have had students write short reflections in English on their
learning and on different aspects of the course throughout the term. I think it
brings awareness to students about their abilities and will hopefully increase
self-confidence while allowing students to realize what aspects of the course
they need to improve on. I would like to implement more reflection pieces within
my classes.
Games: It
seems that this aspect of the course gets talked a lot about during
Collaboration. It's a great way to spend more time with vocab/verbs in a manner
that is enjoyable and engaging. When I asked students during a reflections time
about their favourite activities in French many chose games such as pictionary,
charades, fly swatter, verb relays, counting games, and card games as their
favourite activities in French (especially when done outside).
Post Courtesy of Marcus Krieger
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