Friday, 25 November 2016


 It looks like a candle lit dinner at a restaurant … but why the books and journals? This is actually an inquiry group having a working dinner talking about changing practice and sharing ideas.  This group is one of four inquiry groups this year in Through a Different Lens.  They are pursuing hands-on active authentic learning and how it can be used to help kids think and connect with the curriculum.

The evening was filled with conversation and activity.  One activity was a provocation, a Reggio strategy that helped us connect with our memories and lives, and listen intently as others described some of their connections and memories.  At the end the group was asked to connect the experience with the First Peoples Principles of Learning.  There were so many connections – learning ultimately supports the well being of self, learning is reflective, learning involves generational roles, learning is embedded in memory, history, and story, learning involves the exploration of one’s identity.

We did a number of other activities such as musical chairs as a review or learning activity, taking notes standing up, watching a short inspirational video on design thinking, and one by Shelley Moore on the outside pins.  As well, each
person documented their thinking, and looked at how these strategies might be meaningful for students they are wondering about.

One of the richest parts of the evening was the two minute go-round at the table where teachers shared a strategy they had used recently or thought they might use soon. We listened to ideas about vertical math, snowball writing, pictionary, parodies, roleplaying to learn about the great depression, understanding mean, median, and mode on the basketball court, and building circle graphs with your bodies out on the field.

Ten teachers in the group – four are teachers on call; all who want to connect with kids better and create richer learning experiences for the all the kids they interact with. 

A good evening.  Thanks to Jeff who facilitated and all the teachers.