I felt that my class was having a hard time engaging with their learning. I felt that I was not teaching the way I wanted and that my class was in need of something different. So I started Outdoor Explorations. I saw a difference immediately! My students could not wait to go outside and write in their nature journals and learn about their environment. I saw a big difference in my students who were more reluctant writers and ones who didn’t engage easily. Outside I found they became very curious and had no trouble drawing and labelling in their journals.
I was extremely lucky to have an Aboriginal Support Worker participate with us. She was able to provide an Aboriginal Perspective, which added a deeper connection with the environment.
I did a number of things to make our Outdoor Explorations successful. The students REALLY wanted to learn outside, so I told them that they could as long as it was always safe, and to be safe it meant that we had to be able to do a number of things.
1. Follow the three class
expectations: Respect Yourself, Respect Others, and Respect the
Environment. We discussed what each one of those meant and we talked
about examples. Respect Yourself meant that you were not going to do
unsafe things – like hang from a tree or jump near a cliff; Respecting Others
meant that we would do everything we could to keep everyone in our
classroom community safe – for example we would look out for each other, we
would not be pushing or shoving each other; and Respecting the Environment
meant that we would not be damaging the environment, breaking plants, and
taking things out of their environment.
2. Listen for the whistle: I taught
them that if I blew my whistle at any point while outside, they would stop
immediately and come back and gather together. I assured them that if they
could do that out on the school grounds then it would show me that they could
respect themselves, and each other and keep us all safe.
3. Spend time on our school grounds before
going anywhere else: We would do nature walks on the grounds, I would blow
the whistle and they would come back and gather. We practiced
this over and over. We would go outside and do nature journal writing –
and I would blow the whistle and they would come back and gather. These
gatherings often lead to discussions about what they had seen or found or
thought about.
When we went off the school grounds, I set
boundaries for the kids. I would have 2 kids run to the edge of
the boundary. I would tell them they could go anywhere within these
boundaries but if I blew my whistle they must come back immediately. I
practiced this at every new site.
I always reviewed our 3 class expectations before
going out on an excursion, during the excursion, and at the end. The
kids understood that safety is very important and that if they could act
safely, we could be learning outside.
The kids ALWAYS want to go outside. They want to
learn. They are inquisitive. They have no difficulty at all distinguishing
between running around at recess and learning time outside. In fact,
instead of thinking that learning time is recess, the opposite happens.
They come in from recess telling me about things they have observed, or
sometimes problems they have encountered with students not respecting the
During one of Outdoor Explorations, my students
became fascinated with a spider web. They took great care not to disturb it. As
they were examining it, a person walked by and asked what they doing. My students
took the time to explain how a spider web was created and the importance of
leaving it alone. They also informed the “stranger” how important it is to
preserve and take care of nature. At this point, I was extremely proud of my
students and knew that I made the right decision to bring Outdoor Explorations
into my curriculum.
By Kelly Maxwell
Grade 2/3